Burn It All to the Ground and Start Over!

Looking Back, I Thought That In Order To Have What I Really Wanted, I’d Have To {Lovingly} Burn It All The Ground And Start Over. 

I used to think endings were something that needed to be done swiftly.

Like, the “cleaner & quicker” they happened, the more “right” they were.

The more I could feel good about the decision.

The more others would agree with my decision.

{Which, by the way - always made me feel even BETTER about my decision.}

I also used to think that clear/hard endings were the only way to have new beginnings.

I knew I was getting divorced & was “over” the idea of falling in love again.

That I’d have to completely get rid of, close out, or be done with something in order to start or receive or create a new thing.

Two Perfect Examples:

  1. My Divorce And 

  2. Closing My Business

I thought, that in order to have the love and the life I wanted & deserved but more importantly DEEPLY DEEPLY yearned for, I needed to no only get divorce from my husband but that I ALSO had to divorce the old version of me.

The version I was when we were married. 

Neither of us were truly happy, fulfilled or created space to grow up & into the versions of ourselves that we both desired.

So it was time to say goodbye. 

To bring the relationship with one another and our Selves to a complete end.

I’m not sure how true that was, now that I’m looking back.


I chopped off my hair, moved into my own apartment, and tried “burning down” the old Robyn. (BTW: that shit doesn’t work)

And looking back on when I closed down my very busy, lucrative, group therapy practice … I thought I had to do the same.

This was a place where hundreds of couples were being supported in their relationships and I thought closing it all down was the only way I could feel on FIRE again for doing what I once loved.

But my passion for helping couples repair or exit their relationships had faded completely.

And I thought, in order to have what I really wanted - which was a career in helping, healing & guiding people via spirituality practices, VERY non-traditional ways of healing and bringing humans together in commUNITY…

I Would Have To {Lovingly} Burn It All The Ground And Start Over. 

Almost as if I wanted to leave no trace of what once created joy and eventually created pain & resentment … never existed.

Wow … Can You Feel That?

Do You Know That Feeling?

Wanting To Wipe It All Out - Even The Good Parts Because All You Can Taste Is The Bitterness Of What It Turned Into?

Yeah, I get it. 

It feels pretty normal to me to feel this.

And I want to invite you to step into a new possibility.

Close your eyes … and imagine if you didn’t have to BURN IT ALL DOWN, first?

What if you don’t have to BURN IT ALL DOWN before you can have, create or receive what you really want?

What if you simply change course?
Imagine that for a minute.
It might not mean you DO anything differently than you were planning.

Maybe you still get divorced
{I don’t EVER regret my decision to end my marriage, it was the best thing for me}

Maybe you still close down the business
{I know it was the only way to truly step into my gifts of healing & helping}

Maybe you just MENTALLY, change course rather than mentally burning it all down.

Maybe You Don’t Have To Completely KILL Off Parts Of Yourself That Didn’t Work In One Relationship In Order To LOVE & BE LOVED In Your Next Relationship.

Maybe You Don’t Have To Completely REINVENT A Business, A Project, A Relationship, A Dream In Order To LIVE IT.


Take a look at HOW you’ve ended things that you were ready to end, close out or let go of.

Is there space to create a bit of softness around the edges of that decision?

Is there space to honor what was without having to completely Kill Off or BURN IT ALL DOWN before the next iteration?

This Is Soul Work.

Hand on heart is my fave way to do Soul Work. Join me?

Pausing to slow down & ask your Self: 

WHY does this feel so hard right now?

Am I PUSHING something away, or down because I think it must be destroyed before I create?

Am I missing the beauty in what once was, that can be repurposed for what will be?

If you’re feeling a sense of being seen right now or you’re curious about WHY decisions you’ve made or are trying to make feel so hard, let’s work together.

Because I believe in a wordd where what makes us feel lonely no longer keeps us separated, rather it brings us together in community.

And I bring that world to life by creating Sacred Spaces to do this Soul Work. 

Soul Inquiry.

So That This One Chance At LIFE Can Feel A Little Less Hard.

A Little Less Lonely.

And A Little More Magical.

If you’re looking for this Brave, Sacred Space to go within, click the button below and let’s chat about working together.

Because not all new beginnings have to start by BURNING WHAT ONCE WAS TO THE FUCKING GROUND.

(Maybe tiny bonfires to burn some things would be fun, we can do that too)

I hope to hear from you.



"Why Now?" (and other questions that force you inward)


When my Anxiety & Heartbreak Broke Up