Cutting Energetic Cords - What is it & why should you do it?
Cord used at my in-person cord-cutting gatherings.
What Is Energetic Cord Cutting?
There are many ways to protect, replenish and clear your energy. Some people do this with prayer, some with meditation, some with silently setting an intention, some participate in physical activities like running water over their hands while saying affirmations. Cord cutting is an interactive way to cut energetic, mental, or emotional cords. There are as many ways to do this as there are traditions.
So What Is An Energetic Cord?
When you have some kind of attachment (emotional, romantic, intellectual, etc.) to another person, there’s an energetic cord that can form between you.
These energy cords can become a huge drag, particularly when they hold negative energy.
Who Do I Have Energetic Cords Attached To?
And Who’s Energetically Attached To Me?
You can have energetic connection to family members, lovers, friends, exes, coworkers & anyone else you can think of - even if you are not currently in contact with them. You can even have an energetic cord to a place, an animal, a memory or experience.
These connections can be with real people/places/things you see/talk to/interact with in your daily life or they can be people you’ve never met, places you’ve never been or experiences you don’t consciously remember having but feel some sort of connection to.
Remember, the attachment is energetic - so you can absolutely have your energy pulled from or going in a direction that you did not consciously choose.
If you have a cord attachment to someone you judge, resent or need to forgive, these cords can keep you disempowered, distracted, or in shame - they can keep you from truly healing.
If you have an unwanted energetic cord attached to someone like an ex lover, it can cause prolonged suffering and block your heart’s ability to let them go fully, grieve what once was, and heal the parts that have been hurt. (It can even block the part of you that wants to open fully & receive energy from new people).
Excerpt from Yung Puebo’s book: Inward.
What Does Cutting Energetic Cords Actually Do?
By participating in Energetic Cord Cutting, you’re not cutting this person/people out of your life (unless you want to), you’re simply cutting the energetic cord that transmits or receives negative or unwanted energy.
You can even cut a cord that’s positive but feels too like it’s pulling too much from you. For instance, maybe you have an awesome friendship but you know you depend a little too much on this person. Cut the cord and restore health and ease to the relationship.
Remember, you’re not cutting this person out of your life (unless you want to), you’re simply cutting off any energetically draining elements of the relationship. Any hurtful elements. Any resentful elements.
Anyone who tugs at you energetically. (this can be your kids, too.)
Yes you love them, but they may be draining you energetically.
You may also cut off any energetically painful elements of a relationship you have with yourself.
This usually works best if you’re also working with a professional to provide follow-up care to tend to the parts of you that you’re cutting off from or creating distance from. (This is where my beloved “parts work” comes in. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to know more about this.
So, How Do I Cut Energetic Cords?
Photo of participants at an in-person cord cutting gathering I hosted.
Energetic Cord Cutting is something you physically engage in by getting into a grounded state through meditation or prayer.
You utilize yard, string or twine and bind your feet, ankles, hands (whichever feels most accessible ) very loosely so that you still have full agency over your movement.
Then you can either self-guide or be guided (like I offer at my Cord Cutting Gatherings) through a powerful & tender visualization experience. You bring to your mind the person or people or even places you’d like to disconnect from in order to cut the energetic cords that are attached.
Through verbal incantations, you make declarations of releasing, letting go, setting yourself (or others) free, calling back your own energy, etc.
This is most powerful when done during a full moon, as that energy is PERFECT for intentional letting go & releasing.
You take a pair of scissors and through powerful verbal incantations, your cute the physical cords you’ve used to bind yourself gently, and physically & energetically CUT THE CORDS.
This is also deeply powerful when done within a safe & grounded group (either online or in-person) of people who are also taking the loving steps to cut energetic cords.
This Sounds Amazing, How Can I Join Your Next Cord Cutting Gathering?
I’d love to have you join us.
For now (May 2024) Cord Cutting Gatherings are fully virtual and hosted on Zoom.
I am hosting them every full moon, of every month.
You’re welcome to CHECK THE CALENDAR of events each month or be sure to join the Wild Grace email community to get monthly invites & updates on gatherings.
If you’re catching this in May 2024 - click the link to join us on May 23rd for the Full Moon Cord Cutting gathering.